Art Direction Samy Wilkman
Project Coordination Carolina Högnabba
Agency Hasan & Partners
Project Coordination Carolina Högnabba
Agency Hasan & Partners

Hasan & Partners were briefed by Aalto University to create a campaign that activates the old and new Aalto alumni to reconnect with Aalto. And donate money to the good cause. The approach was first and foremost, to get people curious, excited and engaged. The base of the campaign message strives from nostalgia. There are a lot of insider facts, gossip, traditions, stories, jokes and rituals that only the Aalto students will remember and recognize. The concept “We were there” lies in those memories and tales, where the spirit of Aalto and being an Aalto student was constantly present. The concept sparks nostalgic feelings through exclusive headlines and imaginary that will make the alumni feel proud of being part of these events and matters. Tales of lifting a miniature statue of Paavo Nurmi from the shipwreck in Vasa in the ’60s to remembering how to fold a hat from Kauppalehti.
Project Management Carolina Högnabba
Set Design Anna Pirkola / Plenty
Assistant Arttu Kokkonen